Saturday, 2 August 2014

Day Twenty Nine - Statistics and Home

Thanks to all those who have been following our trip, staying up to date with our progress and commenting on the blog. This will be the final blog of the trip – day twenty nine, we are home. We left France at about twelve and got home about 4.15pm after having to detour following traffic on the M25, no surprise there then.

So some statistics of the trip;

Countries travelled through, France (twice), Belgium (twice), Holland (twice), Germany (twice), Denmark, Sweden, Aland Island, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland. That's 12 countries and 17 border crossings, and interestingly we only had our documents checked when leaving the UK and returning to the UK.

Fuel used 1018 litres, that's about 224 gallons for those who like it in old money. We travelled 4269 miles door to door this was more than the estimated 3500; by a whopping 769 miles. Over the whole trip we averaged 19 miles per gallon.

The longest days journey was the run up through France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, to within 12km of the Putt-garden Ferry on the first day a huge 730 miles. Longest stay in one place the Aland Islands 6 days. Number of photos taken roughly 450, (I've not been able to download them all yet)

Mechanical issues -
Problem one - the transfer case began making some terminal type sounds by the time we reached the top of Sweden. Once on the to the Aland Islands, some STP Gearbox Treatment was added to the transfer case which stopped the horrid noises, but the slack in the box continued to get worse, however it made it home, and will need to be rebuilt pretty soon I think.

Problem two – despite fitting brand new genuine Land Rover fan belts to the truck before we left, by day three it sounded like we had a whole cage of canaries under the bonnet, (those with Land Rover TDI engines will know what I mean). It was solved using the (approved) method of placing a penny behind the belt tensioner, and applying some belt dressing spray, result no noise.

Some general views;
Worst road condition - Lithuania
Most accidents - Germany
Worst traffic - England
Worst drivers - Poland
Cheapest fuel - Estonia
Most expensive fuel - Sweden (Denmark was the most expensive but we didn't fill up there)
Best dining experience - Poland
Worst dining experience - breakfast first day in Poland
Best Camp-sites – Lithuania or Poland
Worst Camp-sites – France, Des Dunes or Latvia, Riga city camping.

Best thing of the trip, too difficult to say, there were so many amazing things and sights, its just too difficult to pick one.

The most amazing thing of the trip, we spent a whole month together in the truck or the tent and didn't fall out!

Our last selfie taken as we were leaving Dunkirk on the ferry

Now to write the book …....................

Friday, 1 August 2014

Day Twenty Eight

1st August - Our last day, spent exploring Dunkirk and Gravelines just outside Petit Fort Philippe, both as it turned out very beautiful. Dunkirk ad everyone is aware was the site of the evacuation of the British and French troops in the second world war. Gravelines dates from much earlier, creating a fort in the 17th century to protect the country from attack. We took a boat around the moat of the old fort. Tomorrow we catch the ferry back to the UK, I will post a summary of the trip tomorrow when we get home. In the meantime some pictures from today, and finally our selfie in front of the fort at Gravlines.